We desire to be a community of Christians to which people who don’t go to church would like to return.


We would love to meet you at one of our activities


“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
C. S. Lewis

Upcoming events

November 2024

Saturday 02.11 2024

18:00 – 19:00
Večerné rozjímanie

40 minut pri čítaní Slova a tichej modlitbe za doprovodu inštrumentálnej hudby

V dobe, v ktorej sme neustále niečim rušení, je to dôležitý prvok života viery. Simone Weil povedala, že v modlitbe dávame Bohu „absolutné sústredenú pozornosť“. Tento litrugický prvok nám v tom môže byť dobrou pomocou.

Sunday 03.11 2024

10:00 – 11:30
Nedeľné stretnutie
ZA KOSTOLOM, Námestie Ľ. Štúra 2129/1, 010 01 Žilina, Slovensko

Open house o 9:15
Stretnutie začína o 10:00 (75min).
Po stretnutí je k dispozícii káva a priestor na rozhovory.

English translation provided.
Info: https://zakostolom.sk/nedelne-stretnutia/

Don’t miss


majak 2

A network of churches of the Free Evangelical Church denomination in the Czech Republic that together share a vision “to be a healthy church that plants other churches.”


PLANt.sk is a workgroup of the Free Evangelical Church in the Slovak Republic whose mission is to actively help churches and individuals plant new churches.

ekuza 2

The Ecumenical Council of Churches in Žilina was founded on the initiative of the Zbor Žilincov and has a tradition of more than a century.